Donations Needed
Junester's School of Achievement
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JSA is a non-profit corporation. We receive funding from the following areas:

Gifts from individual donors and service organizations
Fund Raising Events
Parents Association


These are the things that we are always in need of.

Office Supplies

Desk chairs on rollers (7)
Ink cartiridges for printer(bjc02-bjc05)
Plastic binder sheets
Black Sharpie pens
Yellow Highlighters (2 boxes)
Computer Printers (4)
Scotch tape refills (2 boxes)
Copy Paper (white and color)
White Out pens (10)
Record books for Teachers (5)

(new or gently used)

Desks (student)
Folding chairs
Computer printers (4)
Portable fans (3)
Computers (2)
Patio tables with attached benches (3)
Drinking fountain
Electric pencil sharpners (4)
Small room heaters (4)

Disposable and Cleaning Supplies

Paper towels (10 rolls per month)
Boxes of Kleenex (5 per month)
Room deodorizers
Plastic (ziplock) sandwich bags
Plastic spoons (for students who forget)
Liquid soap
Plastic table cloths (3) oblong 52"x90"
Furniture polish (7 cans)
Large kitche bags (4 boxes 33 gallon trash bags)
Electrolux (stand-up vaccuum bags)

Classroom and School Supplies

Paperback library books
Paperback class reading books (5 copies of the same book)
Contruction paper
Gently used video games (for rainy days)
Card stock paper
AA, C, and D batteries for video games
Pencil top erasers


Tree pruning
Tax service (for school and PTA)
General Maintenance

Misc. Items

Programs printed (for bingo)
Items for student store (toys, puzzles, sports equipment, games, etc.
Items for weekly incentives (small toys, small flashlights, candy bars, free items such as cokes from 7-11 certificates, etc,)

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